Donald Trump’s interview with ‘Real America’s Voice’ was reportedly AI or deep fake 

The exclusive phone interview of former U.S. president Donald Trump with “Real America’s Voice” was allegedly Artificial Intelligence generated or a deep fake. As soon as the interview went live Thursday, social media users pointed out something was wrong with the voice, and it didn’t sound like Trump.  

Robert J. Sigg, the owner of the network, has said that he will initiate an investigation into the matter. The interview was conducted by former Fox News contributor John Solomon and his co-host Amanda Head. He added that the investigation was necessary to find out whether his hosts were duped by a prankster or AI. Sigg said that Trump’s interview sounded like ChatGPT to him, reported The Daily Beast.  

“This is not the company values that the American people tune in for. This is a major oversight by John and Amanda both,” Sigg added. He added that his new directors would have to undergo additional training about “journalism practices and how to present facts and truth to American people”.  

 The voice sounded rough, unnatural and counterfeit, and now and again all through the almost 17-minute meeting, the purported Trump appeared cut out. After clips of the meeting were shared by Solomon on X, formerly known as Twitter and “Real America’s Voice,” analysis and hypothesis started pouring in — including from many Trump allies — that this was most certainly not the ex-president and had all the earmarks of being an AI program

However, Solomon insisted that it was the former president on the phone. When asked about the interview he said, “It’s not AI, it was President Trump. You can call the staff and check with them yourself. It was definitely president Trump without any doubt.” 

When questioned about Sigg’s claim that the caller sounded like an artificial intelligence bot, Solomon insisted that the interview was genuine. Solomon added that he set up the meeting with Trump’s staff, examined ahead of time the points they would discuss, and called them to the right area. 

The Trump lobby didn’t quickly return a request for comment. 

When Trump took office in the White House, since then Solomon has been close to the former president.  Solomon was a critical figure in the 2019 prosecution of Trump, as his pieces for “The Hill” helped in fuelling joining Trump’s endeavours to uncover dirt in Ukraine on then-candidate Joe Biden. 

The research team of Fox News scrutinised Solomon’s credibility, asserting he played a huge role in the “disinformation campaign” on Ukraine. 


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