‘Sleepy’ Joe Biden’s press secretary cuts off his mic, ends his Vietnam press conference 

A very sleepy U.S. President Joe Biden saw his “aimlessly” answering Vietnam press conference wrap up on Sunday night suddenly with his mic cut and jazz music playing him off the stage, like a too lengthy awards speech being cut short. 

Biden was mid-stream and addressing questions from reporters when he was interrupted and compelled to walk away behind the stage, Daily Mail reported. 

“We talked about stability, we talked about the Third World, excuse me, the Southern Hemisphere has access to change. It wasn’t confrontational at all….” Biden said as he went on.  

Unexpectedly, the echoing voice of his press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, could be heard. “Thank you everybody. This ends the press conference. Thanks everyone,” she said as she brought the press conference to a close. 

Biden likewise made headlines for his comments on Taiwan, the island that is self-governed by China claims to possess it. 

On Monday, Biden said that the U.S. would answer militarily if China went after Taiwan, which went against the longstanding U.S. policy of “strategic ambiguity” that tries not to take a clear position on the issue. 

On Tuesday, he explained that his approach had not changed, yet didn’t withdraw his prior assertion. He said that he would have rather not contained China, however, to have a relationship that was “on the up and up.” 

Biden’s press conference in Hanoi on Sunday should be the last of his visit, however it transformed into a scene of errors and botches. Biden seemed drained and confounded as he answered questions from reporters, frequently going off on digressions and cracking jokes that bombed. 

At a certain point, he said that he was hitting the sack after the press conference, which went on for 26 minutes. He likewise said that he was following his staff’s requests on whom to approach, and that he wouldn’t answer any “softballs.” 

The 46th U.S. President likewise repeated one of his anecdotes about a John Wayne film where an Indian person considers a Union trooper a “lying, dog-faced pony soldier.” He utilised this expression to describe the individuals who deny climate change. 

Biden’s jokes drew criticism from certain observers, who scrutinised his psychological wellness and leadership. A video clip of Biden asking for a nap went viral on X, formerly called Twitter, with more than 2 million views and huge number of comments. 

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